About me


This method of Facial Reflexology was developed by award winning Reflexologist Ziggie Bergman.
It is a non-invasive, natural Complementary Therapy based on the same principles as Foot Reflexology. It provides the same therapeutic benefits as regular Reflexology but with some wonderful added benefits.
Although not classed as a facial or beauty treatment, Facial Reflexology is a wonderful natural way to achieve a beautiful radiant glow and healthier, younger looking skin.

Benefits of Facial Reflexology

  • Helps to relieve congested sinuses
  • Relaxes muscle tissue in the facial area, which can have a beneficial effect on relieving headaches, migraines, TMJ disorders and bruxism.
  • Encourages lymphatic drainage.
  • Stimulates the body to eliminate toxins.
  • Improves skin tone and texture.

As with Foot Reflexology, your initial appointment, will include a free consultation before your treatment. This will give us the opportunity to discuss your medical history and review your current health and lifestyle choices.
This is followed by the relaxing Bergman Method Facial Relexology treatment which is a much gentler, slower treatment in comparison to Foot Reflexology, however, your body’s own natural healing mechanism and the therapeutic and visable benefits of this treatment speak for themselves.


£42 per treatment